SBC Campus Coordinator: Hunter Smith
SBC Collegiate
Our vision is to glorify God and make faithful followers of Jesus Christ by reaching this generation of students. We desire to cultivate in every student a love for Christ, for his church, and for the campus!
We have five goals to reach this generation of students...
- Proclaim: Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all students, everywhere.
- Integrate: To encourage students to pursue baptism, membership, and assemble with the local body of believers.
- Fellowship: To provide opportunities for college students to gather and develop long-lasting friendships on campus and in the church.
- Partner: Develop cooperative relationships with partnering campus ministries and collegiate “Peacemakers.”
- Send: To train up and send out the next generation of Christ-followers, no matter their vocation.
We meet every Tuesday on the Roanoke College campus at Morehead hall from 7:00-8:00pm. This year (2024-2025) we are going through our series on Urban Legends of Christianity, where we talk about different misunderstood ideas of the Christian faith and how Christians should think about them today.
Check out our calendar for fun events we are doing throughout the year!