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Constitution and By-Laws


Adopted by the membership on June 15, 2016


Since it pleased Almighty God, by His Holy Spirit, to call certain of His servants to unite here in 1870 under the name Salem Baptist Church, Salem, VA, (“Salem Baptist Church” or “Church” hereinafter) for the worship of God and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and He has sustained and prospered this work to the present day; and

Whereas we, the members of Salem Baptist Church, having searched the Scriptures under the guidance of His Spirit, have recognized the need to reconstitute ourselves to more closely conform to His will for the Church in this age and prepare ourselves for greater efforts in His name;

Now therefore we, the members of Salem Baptist Church, do hereby organize ourselves and adopt this Constitution and Bylaws, to be interpreted at all times to reflect the character of and bring glory to Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Holy Bible and articulated in the standards set forth in the “Baptist Faith and Message” (2000), “The New Hampshire Confession of Faith” and the Covenant (2016) of this church.

Article 1: Name

The Church, which meets at 103 N Broad Street, Salem, Virginia, shall be incorporated as Salem Baptist Church, Salem, VA.

Article 2: Purpose

This Church exists by the grace of God, for the glory of God, which shall be the ultimate purpose in all its activities.

This Church glorifies God by loving Him and obeying His commands through:

  • Worshipping Him;
  • Equipping the saints through Bible instruction and study;
  • Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and personal evangelism and any other means consistent with the teachings of Holy Scripture;
  • Encouraging, supporting, and participating in missions work, local, national, and international;
  • Administering the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper;
  • Encouraging biblical fellowship among believers;
  • Serving other individuals, families, and churches by providing for physical and spiritual needs and emotional support in the name of Jesus Christ.

Article 3: Statement of Faith

As an affirmation of basic Christian beliefs, and for guidance in its programs and teachings, Salem Baptist Church hereby adopts and incorporates by reference as its Statement of Faith the “Baptist Faith and Message 2000” and “The New Hampshire Confession of Faith” (by J. Newton Brown 1833).

Article 4: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a three-quarters vote of the members present and voting at a members’ meeting, provided the amendment shall have been offered in writing at the previous members’ meeting, and shall have been announced from the pulpit at church services two successive Sundays prior to such vote.

The revised version of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be made available to all church members by the Church clerk.

Article 5: Repeal

All former Constitutions and Bylaws of this Church are hereby repealed, as also are all previous acts of the Church which would conflict with the provisions embodied in this Constitution.


Adopted by the membership on June 15, 2016

Article 1: Membership

Section 1: Qualifications

To qualify for membership in this Church, a person must give evidence of regeneration through faith in Jesus Christ, must be baptized by immersion in obedience to Christ following his or her profession of faith, and must be one who whole-heartedly believes in the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible.

Each member will be in essential agreement with the teaching of the Scripture as expressed in the Statement of Faith (New Hampshire Confession, and Baptist Faith and Message 2000) and must promise to keep the commitments expressed in the Church Covenant, as incorporated into these Bylaws herein by reference. The elders shall be responsible for determining each person’s qualification for membership. In making this determination, they may rely on a person’s profession of faith, or such other evidence, as the elders deem appropriate.

Section 2: Admission of Members

To be admitted into Church membership, applicants shall be recommended by the elders for admission and accepted by vote of the members at any regular or special meeting of the members, and shall at that point relinquish their membership in other churches.

Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities of Membership

In accord with the duties enumerated in the Church Covenant, each member shall be privileged and expected to participate in and contribute to the ministry and life of the Church, consistent with God’s leading and with the gifts, time, and material resources each has received from God. Only those who are members of this congregation may serve in the ministries of the Church; non-members may serve with the approval of the elders. Non-members may serve the Church for purposes of administration and professional consultation.

Under Christ this congregation is governed by its members. Therefore, it is the right and responsibility of members to attend all members’ meetings and vote on the election of officers, on decisions regarding membership status, and on such other matters as may be submitted to a vote.

Members eligible for voting on all matters of Church business and policy shall be composed of persons who have attained legal voting age, as defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Section 4: Associate Membership

Students and others temporarily residing in the Salem area who are members of an evangelical church may apply for associate membership. Qualifications are identical to those for full membership as set out above, except that home church membership must be retained. A letter of commendation will be sought from the applicant’s home church.

Rights and Responsibilities of associate members are the same as for other members except that:

(a) When absent from the Salem area for extended periods of time they are released from the responsibility to attend our church services;

(b) While they will be encouraged to participate in members meetings they will not be eligible to stand for any office or to vote.

Termination of associate membership as a disciplinary measure will be as it is for other members, except that the elders shall notify the pastor or elders of the home church of that termination. Associate membership will normally terminate immediately upon the ending of the period of temporary residence in the Salem area.

Section 5: Church Discipline

It shall be the practice of this Church to pursue every reasonable measure for peace and reconciliation. Any member consistently neglectful of his or her duties or guilty of conduct by which the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be dishonored, and so opposing the welfare of the Church, shall be subject to the admonition of the elders and the discipline of the Church, according to the instructions of our Lord in Matthew 18: 15–17 and the example of Scripture. Church discipline, then, should ordinarily be contemplated after individual private admonition has failed.

The general principle in administering Church discipline is to seek repentance and restoration, and to do so with as few people involved as possible. Only after good faith efforts by the elders to bring about repentance and reconciliation have proven futile shall the accused member be subjected to further discipline. All Church discipline will require a three-quarters vote of the membership present at a members’ meeting.

Church discipline can include admonition by the elders or congregation, suspension from the Lord’s Supper for a definite period, deposition from office, and excommunication (see Matthew 18: 15–172 Thessalonians 3: 14–151 Timothy 5: 19– 211 Corinthians 5: 4–5).

The purpose of such discipline should be:

For the repentance, reconciliation, and spiritual growth of the individual disciplined (see Proverbs 15: 529: 15I Corinthians 4: 14Ephesians 6: 4I Timothy 3: 4–5Hebrews 12: 1–11Psalm 119: 115141: 5Proverbs 17: 1025: 1227: 5Ecclesiastes 7: 5Matthew 7: 26–2718: 15–17Luke 17: 3Acts 2: 40I Corinthians 5: 5Galatians 6: 1–5II Thessalonians 3: 614–15I Timothy 1: 18-20Titus 1: 13–14James 1: 22);

For the instruction in righteousness and good of other Christians, as an example to them (see Proverbs 13: 20Romans 15: 14I Corinthians 5: 1115: 33Colossians 3: 16I Thessalonians 5: 14 [note this is written to the whole church, not just to leaders]; I Timothy 5: 20Titus 1: 11Hebrews 10: 24– 25);

For the purity of the church as a whole (see I Corinthians 5: 6–7II Corinthians 13: 10Ephesians 5: 27II John 10Jude 24Revelation 21: 2);

For the good of our corporate witness to non–Christians (see Proverbs 28: 7Matthew 5: 13–16John 13: 35Acts 5: 1–14Ephesians 5: 11I Timothy 3: 7II Peter 2: 2I John 3: 10); and

Supremely for the glory of God by reflecting His holy character (see Deuteronomy 5: 11I Kings 11: 2II Chronicles 19: 2Ezra 6: 21Nehemiah 9: 2Isaiah 52: 11Ezekiel 36: 20Matthew 5: 16John 15: 818: 1725Romans 2: 2415: 5–6II Corinthians 6: 14–7: 1Ephesians 1: 45: 27I Peter 2: 12).

Members disciplined shall be restored to full membership privileges upon recommendation by the elders to the congregation according to the spirit of 2 Corinthians 2:7-8 when their conduct is judged by the elders to be in accordance with the Covenant, Statement of Faith, and biblical repentance. Such recommendation shall require a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a members' meeting.

Section 6: Termination of Membership

The Church shall recognize the termination of a person’s membership following his or her voluntary resignation or uniting with another church or upon a member’s death. Membership may also be terminated as an act of church discipline (ordinarily, but not necessarily, at the recommendation of the elders) upon the vote of at least two-thirds of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the members.

In recognition of the mutual nature of the commitment of Church membership, once the Church begins any investigation or disciplinary process involving a member, the Church, or any duly designated group or committee thereof, retains the right to complete the investigation or discipline process as it relates to activities during an individual’s membership regardless of the receipt of any tendered resignation. The Church’s goal in any such process is always restoration and reconciliation, and the Church’s concern remains for the individual regardless of membership status.

Article 2: Meetings

In every meeting together, members shall act in a spirit of mutual trust, openness, and loving consideration which is appropriate within the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 1: Worship Meetings

Worship services shall be held each Lord's Day, and may be held throughout the week as the Church determines.

Section 2: Members’ Meetings

Provided all provisions for notice of any meeting have been met, a quorum shall be understood to be met by those members present. All votes shall be tallied based on the number of votes cast by members present.

The senior pastor or an elder designated by the elders shall preside as moderator at all members’ meetings of the Church, guided by the most recent revision of Robert’s Rules of Order. The elders shall see that the stated meetings of the Church are regularly held and that required reports are submitted to the Church by the responsible members.

There shall be a regular members’ meeting at least once every two months at some time apart from a public worship service agreed upon by the membership.

Special members’ meetings may be called as required by the elders, or at the written request, submitted to the elders, of not less than ten percent of the voting membership. The date, time, and purpose of any special meeting shall be announced at all public services of the Church within two weeks preceding the meeting. In the event of a written request from the members, the elders shall call a special meeting to be held within one month of their receipt of the request.

At a regular or special members’ meeting, officers may be elected and positions filled as needed, so long as all relevant requirements have been met as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws.

A budget shall be approved by the membership at a regular members’ meeting before the end of the fiscal year. Prior to this approval and subject to the finance committee’s discretion, expenditures may continue at the prior year’s budgeted levels until such time that the new budget is approved.

Article 3: Officers

Section 1: Summary

The biblical offices in the Church are elders and deacons. All officers must be members of this Church prior to assuming their responsibilities. In addition, our Church recognizes the administrative positions of clerk and treasurer.

Section 2: Elders

The elders shall be comprised of not less than three (3) men who satisfy the qualifications for the office of elder set forth in I Timothy 3: 1–7 and Titus 1: 6–9. The general commitment of the Church will be that a majority of the eldership shall be composed of Church members not in the regular pay of the church. No elder shall hold the office of deacon.

In keeping with the principles set forth in Acts 6: 1–6 and I Peter 5: 1–4, the elders shall devote their time to prayer, the ministry of the Word (by teaching and encouraging sound doctrine), and shepherding God’s flock.

The Church shall recognize men gifted and willing to serve in this calling, in accordance with the constitutional provisions on elections. These men shall be received as gifts of Christ to His Church and set apart as elders. Each elder shall hold office as long as he is faithful to his calling and has the confidence of his brethren and the congregation.

Every three years the Church shall reaffirm, or express the withdrawal of affirmation of, its confidence in each of the non-staff elders.

In recognition that the eldership is a significant task and is accomplished while continuing with family and work responsibilities, an individual non-staff elder may take leave of some of the responsibilities of his office for a period of time. Such sabbatical times will be arranged through the mutual consent of the elders.

An elder's term of office may be terminated by resignation or by dismissal. Any two members with reason to believe that an elder should be dismissed should express such concern to the elders and, if need be, to the congregation. Any such action shall be done in accordance with the instructions of our Lord in Matthew 18: 15–17 and I Timothy 5: 17–21. Any of the elders may be dismissed by a two-thirds vote of the members at any members’ meeting of the Church.

The elders shall take particular responsibility to examine and instruct prospective members, examine and recommend all prospective candidates for offices and positions, oversee the work of the deacons and appointed church agents and committees, conduct worship services, administer the ordinances of baptism and communion, equip the membership for the work of the ministry, encourage sound doctrine and practice, admonish and correct error, oversee the process of Church discipline, coordinate and promote the ministries of the Church, and mobilize the Church for world missions. The elders are further to ensure that all who minister the Word to the congregation, including outside speakers, share our fundamental understanding of and affirm the inerrancy of the Word of God.

The elders may recommend to the members ministry positions or committees to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities. The elders may also propose funding to the finance committee for new paid staff positions.

The membership shall approve all candidates to fill the positions of senior and associate pastor(s).

The scope and approval of job descriptions for any staff position shall reside in the hands of those with hiring authority for that position.

The elders shall have primary responsibility for the employment, supervision, and evaluation of staff members. This responsibility may, on a case-by-case basis, be delegated to another staff member.

The senior pastor or an elder designated by the elders shall be the chairman of elders’ meetings and shall also serve as moderator of members’ meetings.

Section 3: Senior Pastor

The senior pastor shall be an elder. He shall perform the duties of an elder described in Section 2: Elders and shall be recognized by the Church as particularly gifted and called to the full-time ministry of preaching and teaching.

His call shall be defined as per Article 5, Section 3.

He shall preach on the Lord's Day, administer the ordinances of baptism and communion, and perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office, or as set forth in the Constitution.

In the absence or incapacity of the senior pastor the elders shall assume responsibility for his duties, any of which can be delegated.

Section 4: Associate Pastors

The Church may call additional pastors whose relationship to the senior pastor is that of associate.

An associate pastor shall be an elder. He shall perform the duties of an elder described in Section 2: Elders above, and shall be recognized by the Church as particularly gifted and called to the full-time ministry of preaching and teaching.

His call shall be defined as per Article 5, Section 4.

He shall assist the senior pastor in the performance of his regular duties and shall perform any other duties as usually pertain to the office of pastor, or as set forth in the Constitution, or which may be specifically assigned to him by the congregation.

In the absence or incapacity of the senior pastor for defined periods of time (such as sabbatical or illness), the associate pastor(s) shall assume the responsibility for his duties under the oversight of the elders.

Section 5: Deacons

The office of deacon is described in I Timothy 3: 8–13 and Acts 6: 1–7.

The Church shall recognize, in accordance with the constitutional provisions on elections, qualified members who give of themselves in service to the Church, and who possess particular gifts of service. These members shall be received as gifts of Christ to His church and set apart as deacons.

The elders in consultation with the deacons shall evaluate annually the need for additional deacons based on current and expected ministry needs.

Deacons shall care for the temporal needs of the congregation, promote the unity of the body, and uphold the ministry of the Word. Deacons shall attend to the accommodations for public worship and encourage and support those able to help others and those with gifts of administration, as well as act as liaisons between Church officers, workers, committees and the elders.

The deacons, with the agreement of the elders, may establish committees, as needed, to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities to the Church.

Section 6: Clerk

It shall be the duty of the clerk to record the minutes of all regular and special members’ meetings of the Church, to preserve an accurate roll of the membership, and to render reports as requested by the pastor, the elders, the deacons, or the Church.

The clerk shall be nominated by the elders and elected by the congregation to serve a term of one year.

In the absence or incapacity of the clerk the elders shall appoint a member to perform the duties of the Church clerk.

The Church clerk shall ensure that dated copies of the most recent revision of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be available for all Church members.

Section 7: Treasurer

The treasurer, who shall not be an active elder or paid Church staff member, shall ensure that all funds and securities of the Church are properly secured in such banks, financial institutions, or depositories as appropriate. The treasurer shall also be responsible for presenting regular reports of the account balances, revenues, and expenses of the Church at each members’ meeting. The responsibility may be delegated with the approval of the elders. The treasurer shall also ensure that full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements are kept in books belonging to the Church and that adequate controls are implemented to guarantee that all funds belonging to the Church are appropriately handled by any officer, employee, or agent of the Church. The treasurer shall render to the elders annually, or whenever they may require it, an account of all transactions as treasurer and of the financial condition of the Church.

The treasurer shall be nominated by the elders and elected by the congregation to serve a term of one year.

Article 4: Committees

Section 1: Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall consist of an elder appointed by the elders, a deacon appointed by the deacons, and five (5) members who shall be elected by the Church. The elected members shall serve from the first day of January after their election for a three (3) year term on a rotating basis. Retiring committee members are not eligible for re-election until at least one (1) year after their current term expires.

Each year the Finance Committee after consultation with the elders, staff, deacons, and the membership shall present to the Church an itemized budget. This budget shall be presented for discussion at a specially called budget meeting and called up for a vote at the following members’ meeting prior to the end of the fiscal year. No money shall be solicited by, or on behalf of, the Church or any of its ministries without the consultation of the elders and the approval of the Finance committee.

The finance operations of the Church shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures documented and maintained by the Finance Committee.

Section 2: Scholarship Committee

In view of the Church’s historical commitment to provide educational scholarships, there shall be a scholarship committee. This committee shall be composed of an elder appointed by the elders, a deacon appointed by the deacons, and three (3) members elected by the Church. The committee shall receive applications from students for the Scholarship Fund. The committee will follow the guidelines and policies established for these scholarships in awarding them to students.

Article 5: Elections

Section 1: Principles

The process for Church elections shall be interpreted and carried out to fulfill the following principles:

  1. Substantial prayer, both individually and corporately, should be an integral part of the election process;
  2. Nominations should proceed with the support of the elders;
  3. All candidates for Church office and committees should be treated with the grace, kindness, and honesty appropriate in evaluating fellow members;
  4. The election process shall express that spirit of mutual trust, openness, and loving consideration that is appropriate within the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 2: Selection of Officers

The election of officers and committee members shall be held at a members’ meeting of the Church.

Names of nominees to serve as elders, deacons, clerk, treasurer, or committee members shall be presented by the elders at the previous members’ meeting (providing that previous meeting occurred at least four (4) weeks prior), and the election shall proceed as directed by the moderator.

The elders shall seek recommendations and involvement from the general membership in the nomination process. Any member with reason to believe that a nominated candidate is unqualified for an office should express such concern to the elders. Members intending to speak in opposition to a candidate should express their objection to the elders as far in advance as possible before the relevant Church members’ meeting.

The moderator shall declare elected all men receiving a seventy-five percent majority of all votes cast for the office of elder. For all other offices, the moderator shall declare elected all persons receiving a simple majority of all votes cast; abstentions will not be considered as votes cast.

The persons elected shall assume their respective offices upon election, unless another date has been specifically designated.

Section 3: Calling of the Senior Pastor

In the calling of any man to this position, the same basic process of calling an elder must be followed. In addition, however, the Church must be given adequate opportunity to assess the preaching gifts of any potential senior pastor and, before being asked to express its judgment, must receive assurance from the elders that, having interviewed the man concerned, they are in no doubt as to his wholehearted assent to the Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. Notice of the nomination of a man to be elected to membership and called as senior pastor (which shall include the election to membership of his wife if he is married) must be given at two Sunday morning services following the nomination prior to the vote at a members’ meeting.

Section 4: Calling of Associate Pastor

In the calling of any man to the position of associate pastor, the same basic process of calling an elder must be followed. In addition, however, the Church must be given adequate opportunity to assess the preaching gifts of any potential associate pastor and, before being asked to express its judgment, must receive assurance from the elders that, having interviewed the man concerned, they are in no doubt as to his wholehearted assent to the Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. Notice of the nomination of a man to be called as associate pastor (which shall include the election to membership of him and his wife if he is married) must be given at two Sunday morning services following the nomination prior to the vote at a members’ meeting.

Article 6: Dispute Resolution

Believing that the Bible commands Christians to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian Church (see, e.g., Matthew 18: 15–20I Corinthians 6: 1–8), the Church encourages its members to resolve conflict among themselves according to biblically-based principles, without reliance on the secular courts. Consistent with its call to peacemaking, the Church encourages the use of biblically based principles to resolve disputes between itself and those outside the Church, whether Christian or non-Christian and whether individuals or corporate entities.

Article 7: Indemnification

If a legal claim is made against a person because he or she is or was a director, officer, employee, or agent of the Church, to the fullest extent allowed by the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act in force on the date of these Bylaws, the Church shall provide indemnification against liability and costs incurred in defending against the claim if the elders determine that the person acted (a) in good faith, (b) with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a similar position would exercise under similar circumstances, and (c) in a manner the person reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the Church, and the person had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful.

At the discretion of the elders, the Church also may indemnify any person who acted in good faith and reasonably believed that his or her conduct was in the Church’s best interest and not unlawful.

Article 8: Facilities use

The use of the property and facilities of the Church shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures documented and maintained by the deacons.

Article 9: Corporate Roles

For the purposes of the laws of incorporation and corporate governance, the following equates the organizational positions within the Church to the corresponding corporate positions. However, nothing contained in this Article shall change, modify or enlarge any duties of these positions or create any duties that might be inconsistent with those duties and limitations specifically set forth in these Bylaws.

(A) The Elders will act as the default Board of Directors.

(B) The Senior Pastor fulfills the role of corporate Chief Executive Officer/President.

(C) There are no Vice Presidents.

(D) The Clerk fulfills the role of corporate Secretary.

(E) The Chairman of the Finance Committee fulfills the role of corporate Chief Financial Officer.

In the event that any of the individuals identified in this Article as holding a position as corporate Director or officer cease to serve in the role which correlates them as a corporate Director or officer, that person shall immediately cease to serve as his or her Church position’s corporate equivalent. For example, if the Senior Pastor ceases to serve as Senior Pastor, he shall immediately cease to serve as a Director and as the Chief Executive Officer/President without the requirement for any additional action or vote to be taken. To the extent that the Articles of Incorporation provide that Directors of the corporation shall be elected by majority vote of the Board of Director for indefinite terms in the event described in this paragraph where a person ceases to serve in a role which makes them a Director and/or officer, the Board of Directors shall immediately hold a meeting to vote to terminate the person’s role and authority as a Director and/or officer and shall take the appropriate action to notify the State Corporation Commission of the action.

Article 10: Amendments to Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a members’ meeting provided the amendment shall have been offered in writing at the previous members’ meeting and shall have been announced from the pulpit at Church services two successive Sundays prior to such vote.

Article 11: Dissolution

Any resolution for dissolution shall be initiated by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Elders. The Church membership must be given at least thirty (30) days advance notice to vote on a resolution for dissolution. Dissolution of the Church shall only be authorized if the called meeting has a quorum and at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the members at the meeting vote in favor of the dissolution.

In the event of dissolution of the Church, the proceeds shall be used for a non-profit organization with purposes similar to those stated in Article 2 of the Constitution.


Salem Baptist Church

Having, as we trust, been brought by divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give up ourselves to Him, and having been baptized upon our profession of faith, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying on His gracious aid, solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with each other.

We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace with one another. (Eph. 4:1-3)

We will walk together in Christian love, exercising an affectionate care and watchfulness over each other and faithfully encouraging, admonishing and entreating one another as occasion may require, being slow to take offense and being ready always for reconciliation and mindful of the command of our Savior to seek it without delay. (John 13:34-352 Tim. 2:151 Cor. 5:1-2Heb. 3:12-14)

We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor neglect to encourage and pray for ourselves and others. (Heb. 10:23-25)

We will endeavor to bring up our children and those who may at any time be under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and through prayer and by a pure and loving example, to seek the salvation of our loved ones, friends and acquaintances. (Titus 2:1-6Deut. 6:4-7)

We will rejoice in one another’s happiness and endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear one another’s burdens and sorrows. (Rom. 12:15Gal. 6:2James 2:14-17)

We will seek, by God’s grace, to live carefully in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly passions which bring unwarranted harm to the church body or jeopardize our own or another’s faith, and remembering that, as we have been voluntarily buried by baptism and raised again to newness of life, so there is on us a special obligation now to lead a new and holy life. (Rom. 12:1-2Rom. 14:13-18Eph. 5:15-21Titus 2:121 Pt. 1:14-162:11-12)

We will work together to maintain a faithful evangelical ministry in this church by upholding the preaching and teaching of the Bible, by the right administration of believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper and, when necessary, by the exercise of church discipline. (Mt. 18:15-20Acts 2:381 Cor. 5:9-1311:262 Tim. 4:2)

We will contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, and the spread of the Gospel to all nations. (2 Cor. 9:7Gal. 6:101 Jn. 3:17-18)

We will serve one another using the gifts God has granted us in His sovereignty and grace and, in doing so, we will strive always to rely on the power of His Holy Spirit that all glory may be given to Him. (Rom. 12:4-81 Cor. 12:712-13Jas. 1:27)

We will, if we move from this place, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word. (Heb. 10:23-25)

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, to the praise of the glory of God in Christ Jesus, Amen.