Audio Sermons >

February 23, 2025 (Deuteronomy 32)

  • February 23, 2025 (Deuteronomy 32)

"A Song Worth Singing"

Central Passage: Deuteronomy 32

Preacher: Dr. Heath Rickmond


  • Introduction: The song of Moses is a witness against Israel when they break the covenant, but there is hope.
  1. Promote God as Creator and Father
  2. Promote God as Holy and Just
  3. Promote God's Atoning Work for His People
  4. Promote the Teaching of Life
  • Conclusion:
    • God has called you to use your influence and love to be a conduit of God's grace to His people, who are your family.
    • How are you using your influence and love to promote the glory and love of God?